Our FAQs
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Acupuncture needles are not much thicker than a human hair with a very smooth surface. Most people generally feel little sensation other than the therapist’s fingers pressing and feeling for the precise acupoint. Occasionally needle insertion can feel like a pinch which is momentary. Tingling and numbness and heaviness in the local area is a sensation that the acupuncturist may elicit to produce a specific effect. Once inserted they are left for a time and as the treatment proceeds there is usually an increasing sense of relaxation and subtle warmth throughout the body. Many recipients feel deeply relaxed and often fall asleep.
How does Acupuncture work?
The practice is based on how energy, or qi, flows through the body along a series of channels called meridians which are similar to the way nerves and vessels carry messages and blood throughout every system. Each meridian is related to a specific organ, and placing thin needles at certain points along these meridians can bring specific changes in the body to restore balance.
Are your needles clean?
How many treatments do I need?
Some acute issues need 1~5 treatments for 1~3 weeks. Chronic conditions generally develop over time and can take weeks or months to resolve. Lifestyle can also remarkably affect how your health benefits progress, so reducing stress, appropriate rest and eating healthily are also important for the extraordinary benefits of our treatments.
Any side effect of acupuncture?
Mild side effects can occur such as light-headedness, dizziness and nausea which are transient. A small bruise can occasionally occur from the session which will disappear after a few days. Unusually, certain health conditions may flare for a short time afterwards which settle to an improved state which indicates an effective treatment. Acupuncture is very safe when performed by a trained acupuncturist. Any side effects should be reported to your therapist.
What should I do after acupuncture session?
Take it easy after a session and avoid heavy duty work to maximise the effectiveness of your treatment. Avoid strong coffee and alcohol that day as they disturb the regulating effect of acupuncture. If you feel sleepy afterwards you should relax and take a nap if you can. If you have had work on a painful condition use warmth such as heat bags to improve the reduction of the pain. Icing is not recommended on painful sites as it induces constriction of blood and lymph flow reducing healing times.
We use strictly sterilized single use acupuncture needle. After taking them out we collect them in sharps container. Once it is filled, we contact a designated company to deal with it.